Intertwining the divine & the taboo...

Make your event unlike any other with a yoni-casting ceremony

*record scratch*

“Did she just say yoni-casting?”

If you’re in the space of supporting women liberate themselves from body & sexual shame, you’re in the right place.

Whether it’s through sensual embodiment, mindset coaching, somatic empowerment, self pleasure training, or any other flavor of the liberation & reclamation of the divine feminine and goddess within,

Here is just the thing to make your next event unique & unforgettable.

To create a world of love, connection, and joy— empowering people to reconnect their mind, body & soul.

Untangling unconscious patterning, revealing our innate capability to be free, to dream big, and to have massive impact on the world.

By hosting workshops, classes, & online courses that encourage women to move out of their head and into their body by moving & breathing on purpose. Revealing their radiance and divinity in a world that has shut down the feminine and become so disconnected.

I believe that when women are connected to their power, men will step into compassion and our world will repair.


What is a yoni-casting?

Yoni casting is the process of creating an exact copy of your vulva through special body casting technique. This replica is then handcrafted into a beautiful statue that shows the vulva’s exact size, shape, texture, and other appliances such as moles & stretch-marks.


Let’s work together

Interested in creating something magical together?

Fill out some info and I’ll be in touch shortly, I can’t wait to connect!